30. August 2020. For the closing of Ortstermin 20, ITINERANT INTERLUDE #2020 presented FANFARES VOM FENSTER: 6 premieres by 6 composers – brazenly blasted in ever-changing constellations over the course of 4 different sets – as a covid-careful event from the windows above Galerie Nord, headquarters of the 3 day art festival.
Mazen Kerbaj’s “Take 10 Decisions” is exactly what his conceptual composition instructs the performers to do, namely, to “take 10 decisions”. In “City Calls”, Percussionist, DJ und Komponist Jürgen Grözinger untersucht “die Gesten der Fanfare, nicht unbedingt im Sinne einer Eröffnung, sondern eher als urbanen Appell, einen rituellen Weckruf an den Geist”. In “Verlässlich”, für das “spezielle Zusammenspiel von vier Musikerpersönlichkeiten konzipiert”, Axel Dörner lädt die Zuhörer ein, durch Aufnahme der Schallwellenstrukturen seiner Komposition “über die Schnittstellen ihres Nervensystems ihre eigene Musik zu erfinden”. With her self-built instruments, Liz Allbee’s “Proboscis” makes special reference to the times we are presently living: “We practice our distance but the instruments yearn to be near. They stretch themselves outwards like plants. They are insects’ tongues, searching for ears. Transmitters who wish to receive, they crawl from the windows and bray into the street. There is no gravity where they sing, just a herald of things to come down.” Hilary Jeffery maps out a theatrical situation for the four brass players: the title of his piece, “Jäger Blues” provides an inkling of what’s in store. Laurie Schwartz’s “the fanfares” subverts the idea of the genre in 4 tightly compressed movements, deconstructing gestures and musical phrases into fragments.